Myofascial Dry Cupping

What is it?

Myofascial dry cupping is a technique where suction cups are applied to the muscle which pulls blood and nutrients in to the region to stimulate healing. It stretches the fascia and muscles and stimulates healing.  This treatment is not to be confused with wet cupping where the skin is cut beforehand. 

There are many forms of cupping and it originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It can easily be used alongside acupuncture and massage therapy.  Dry cupping can be used over acupuncture points and channels and also over trigger points. 

Cupping can be used on its own or combined with massage and acupuncture.  The cups are either applied statically and left or they can be moved by sliding them and they can also be used during active movement. 

The Theory Behind Dry Cupping

Healthy tissue and fascia has an enriched blood supply, when muscles become knotted and scarred, the blood supply reduces producing a vicious cycle of pain and restriction. Cupping increases the blood supply making the tissues more pliable. Initially cupping pulls blood into the area, the tissue becomes saturated with fresh blood and the cup pulls the stagnant blood out of the area. This is demonstrated by the mark left behind which can range in colour. 

The Cupping Marks

As blood is drawn into the small surface capillaries of the skin a bruise like mark is produced.  These marks can last anything from a few hours to upto 10 days. As they fade over time, the stagnation clears and the benefits of the treatment is felt. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the colours left behind by the cups are used as an indication tool to the health state of the tissues. 

Qi which is energy flow in TCM can become stagnated (blocked) as seen by darker marks.  If the skin fails to get nourished with colour during cupping then a blood and Qi deficiency is likely.  

Over several treatments the tissue should improve and become healthier and the marks fade quicker. 

What do myofascial cupping marks mean. A chart to show the differences results you can find